Journalism - Stefano Saccotelli

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1982-2022 – Member of “Ordine Nazionale dei Giornalisti” (freelance journalist).

1980-2013 – Worked for the thrice-weekly newspaper “La Sentinella del Canavese”.

1980-1985 – Worked (news and entertainment) for “Radio Ivrea Canavese”, “Radio Gran Paradiso” and “Radio Alfa” radio stations: also freelanced for Italian daily newspapers (“La Repubblica”, “La Stampa”, “Tuttosport”), magazines (“TV Sorrisi e Canzoni”, “Il Canavesano”) and
for web (“”), TV and radio news.

2000-2001 – Worked for the weekly newspaper “Il Canavese” and for the national newspaper “Il Giorno”.

2000-2001 – Worked for “Rete Canavese” (“Agex” press agency) and “E21 Network” TV channels, doing on air reading of the news, field reporting and conducting talk shows and interviews.

2003 – Assistant and speaker-consultant for journalism classes at “Don Bosco Middle School” of San Benigno Canavese, Turin.

2009 - Guest writer for “The Chronicle” of Glens Falls, NY, USA.

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