Actor - Stefano Saccotelli

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LANGUAGES: English, French, ISL (Italian Sign Language, 1st level), dialects Piedmontese and Pugliese.
SPORTS: swimming, tennis, soccer, jogging.

SKILLS: guitar, singing and composing music/songs.

2013 – Dubbing workshop conducted by Riccardo Lombardo.
2010 – Acting workshop (
in French) conducted by Fabrice Perret and Thomas Moulins, Paris.
2008-2009 – Acting workshop (
in English) conducted by Donna Marrazzo, New York.
2004-2006 – Acting workshop conducted by Aldo Zampieri.
2001-2005 – "Sergio Tofano" acting school of Mario Brusa (classes taught by Roberto Freddi and Anna Bonasso), Turin.
1998 – Acting workshop (topic: "The Classical Greek Theatre") conducted by Francesca Maria Rizzotti.
1996-2006 – Acting workshops/activities with "La Bottega Teatrale del Contato del Canavese" and "Lo Zodiaco".

2025 – "Cherrywood", directed by Sebastiano Pigazzi,
co-production USA/Italy (Stefano - Co-Protagonist).
2025 – "Sesia", directed by Giada Cebrelli (Nino - Lead Role).
2024 – "Emmina", directed by Letizia Cassanelli and Federico Monti (Beppe - Lead Role).
2024 – "I Was Not", directed by Andrea Valenti (the old man - Lead Role).
2024 – "Italo ha paura", directed by Gianluca Bentivegna (Italo - Lead Role).
2024 – "Malanova", directed by Roberto Cuzzillo (Enzo - Co-Protagonist).
2024 – "Nel cerchio dell'amore", directed by Mirko Chiappetta and Adriana Beltrani (Marco - Lead Role).
2024 – "Non mi guardare", directed by Claudio Montanari (the father - Lead Role).
2024 – "Tramonto alla fine del mondo", directed by Giulio Novelli (Claudio - Lead Role).
2024 – "Zamora", directed by Neri Marcorè (the customer at the bar).
2023 – "Cartoline dal futuro (Da una vita)", directed by Matteo Fossati (Beppe - Lead Role).
2023 – "Tra moglie e marito", directed by Beatrice Vargiu (Saverio - Lead Role).
2022 – "Carnami", directed by Matteo Caribotti (the revenue agent - Co-Protagonist).
2022 – "Libertas", directed by Ivan Drago (Borr - Co-Protagonist).
2022 – "Abbracceresti uno sconosciuto?", directed by Dalila Lange and Ambra Simanella (Manlio, the grandfather - Lead Role).
2021 – "Ritratto di famiglia", directed by Emanuele Ricci (the gardener).
2021 – "Simulacrum a Finis Terrae", directed by Angelo Antonio Annese (Morpheus
- in ISL).
2021 – "I nostri fantasmi", directed by Alessandro Capitani (the boss of the fruit and vegetable market).
2021 – "L'incontro privato", directed by Alberto Segre (Alberto Belli Paci - Co-Protagonist).
2020 – "Gabriella", directed by Edoardo Pappi (Maurizio - Co-Protagonist).
2020 – "Hay Almas (Ci sono anime)", directed by Beatrice Vargiu  (the actor - Lead Role).
2020 – "Il tempo che insegna", directed by Giacomo De Bello (Frank - Lead Role).
2020 – "L’Aurora", directed by Lorenzo Cassol (Aurora’s father - Co-Protagonist).

2019 – "Sapiens Sapiens", directed by Ermanno Menini (the monk inquisitor - Co-Protagonist).

2017 – "Toy Gun", directed by Marco Serafini, co-production Luxembourg/Belgium (Antonio - in English).

2017 – "Io e Ascanio", directed by Enzo Dino  (Ascanio - Lead Role).
2017 – "Una nuova forte primavera", directed by
Luca G. Gabriele (the man in wheelchair - Lead Role).

2016 – "Sic", directed by Michael Maschina, co-production Austria/Italy (the father - Lead Role).
2016 – "Corinth", directed by Michael Maschina, co-production Austria/Italy (Ravish - Supporting Role -
in English).

2012 – "La stagione dei gusci di noce", directed by Andry Verga (Father Mattia - Supporting Role).
2012 – "L'industriale", directed by Giuliano Montaldo
(the trade unionist).
2011 – "Il gioiellino", directed by Andrea Molaioli
(the Major GdF).
2010 – "Slasher", directed by James Garofalo (Franco Damasco - Lead Role).
2009 – "Agli uomini piace uccidere", directed by Pierfrancesco Laghi
(the exorcist).
2009 – "Alla rovescia", directed by Junior Lucano (Otto - Supporting Role), special mention at the "Piemonte Movie 2010", Turin.
2009 – "La doppia ora (
The Double Hour)", directed by Giuseppe Capotondi (the man at the speed-date).
2009 – "L'ultimo crodino", directed by Umberto Spinazzola
(the factory worker).
2008 – "Resta", directed by Anna Bucchetti (Giorgio - Lead Role), Best Foreign Language Drama at the "SFWFF 2009", San Francisco.
2008 – "Resistente", directed by Ilario Blanchietti (
the man - Lead Role).
2008 – "I demoni di San Pietroburgo (
The Demons of St. Petersburg)", directed by Giuliano Montaldo (Stellowsky’s servant).
2007 – "Moderazione", directed by Ilario Blanchietti (the consultant - Lead Role), winner at the "ABCorti Video 2007", Ivrea.
2006 – "Lettere dal Sahara (
Letters from the Sahara)", directed by Vittorio De Seta (Father Sandro - Supporting Role).
2006 – "La tempêta", directed by Marcello Vai (Giovanni Minuzzo - Supporting Role).
2005 – "Posizione pericolosa", directed by Erberto Bottasso (Pasquale Ferruzzi - Lead Role).
2003 – "Niet no nein", by A. Stevanon (the older alpino - Supporting Role), winner at the "Festival del Cortometraggio OL 2004", Rome.


2025 – "Estranei", Raidue, directed by Cosimo Alemà (Pietro Vaccaro - Supporting Role).
2025 – "Sur la bonne voix", Canal+, directed by Anouar El Alami and Hös Copperfield (Pietro - in French).
2025 – "I delitti del BarLume 12 (Non è un Paese per bimbi)", Sky/8, directed by Roan Johnson (the Aosta Valley sheperd).
2024 – "Fuochi d'artificio", Raiuno, directed by Susanna Nicchiarelli (the man in the battle).
2024 – "Il clandestino", Raiuno, directed by Rolando Ravello (the concierge).
2023 – "La legge di Lidia Poët", Netflix,
directed by Matteo Rovere and Letizia Lamartire (the clerk of the court).
2021 – "Cuori (Tradimenti)", Raiuno, directed by Riccardo Donna (the rector of the university).
2021 – "
Masantonio - Sezione Scomparsi (Come mia madre)", Canal+/Canale 5, directed by Fabio Mollo (the concierge).

2019 – "Le vol d’Anouk", Rai Vd’A, directed by Michele Peyretti (Cédric - Lead Role - in French).
2019 – "La strada di casa 2", Raiuno, directed by Riccardo Donna (the supervisor of a group home).

2019 – "Purché finisca bene (L'amore, il sole e le altre stelle)", Raiuno, directed by Fabrizio Costa (the judge).

2018 – "M (Aldo Moro)", Raitre, directed by Alessandro Renna (Father Mennini).

2017-2018 – "Sacrificio d’amore", Canale 5, various directors (Filippo, the butler).
2017 – "
Provaci ancora Prof! 7 (Errori a catena)", Raiuno, directed by Lodovico Gasparini (Leo, the greengrocer).
2017 – "
Non uccidere 2 (Le Figlie di Maat)", Raidue, directed by Claudio Noce (Giorgio Di Petrillo, the gynecologist).
2016 –
"Rocco Schiavone (Castore e Polluce)", Raidue, directed by Michele Soavi, (Giorgio Brionati - Supporting Role).
2016 – "
Hao Xian Sheng (To Be a Better Man)", Zhejiang TV/Jiangsu TV/LETV, directed by Zhang Xiaobo, (the prisoner - in English).

2015 – "Kul Senter", web-sitcom, directed by Stefano Saccotelli (Operator 126 - Lead Role).

2015 – "Alex & Co.", Disney Channel, directed by Claudio Norza (the team physician).

2015 – "La veillà delle meraviglie", Raitre Vd’A,  directed by Michele Peyretti (the professor).

2014 – "La bella e la bestia", Raiuno, directed by Fabrizio Costa (Brichot).

2014 – "Questo nostro amore 70", Raiuno, directed by Luca Ribuoli (the tobacconist).
2014 – "
Purché finisca bene (La tempesta)", Raiuno, directed by Fabrizio Costa (the doctor).
2014 – "I segreti di Borgo Larici", Canale 5, directed by Alessandro Capone (Giorgio Bettini).
2013 – "La farfalla granata", Raiuno, directed by Paolo Poeti (Pino Tricase).
2012 – "Walter Chiari, fino all’ultima risata", Raiuno, directed by Enzo Monteleone
(Retequattro managing director).
2011 – "L’amore non basta (quasi mai...)", Canale 5/La 5, directed by Antonello Grimaldi (Girolami, the notary).
2011 – "Fuoriclasse (Promossi e bocciati)", Raiuno, directed by Riccardo Donna (the examiner -
in English).
2009 – "Il mostro di Firenze", SKY Fox Channels Italy/
Italia 1, directed by Antonello Grimaldi (Calamandrei’s defence lawyer).
2009 – "Enrico Mattei, l'uomo che guardava al futuro", Raiuno, directed by Giorgio Capitani
(the airport officer).
2009 – "Piloti (Il traduttore)", Raidue, directed by Celeste Laudisio
(the translator - Supporting Role).
2009 – "Lo smemorato di Collegno", Raiuno, directed by Maurizio Zaccaro
(the guard of the mental hospital).
2009 – "Il bene e il male", Raiuno, directed by Giorgio Serafini
2007 – "Sputnik", Italia 1, directed by Latino Pellegrini and Jean Marc Viel
(the police commissioner).
2006 – "L’uomo che rubò la Gioconda", Canale 5/France 2/Tsr1, directed by Fabrizio Costa (the police commissioner).
2006 – "Camera café (Il tizio investito)", Italia 1, directed by Christophe Sanchez
(the hurt guy, Supporting Role).
2005 – "La bambina dalle mani sporche", Raiuno, directed by Renzo Martinelli
(the prison doctor).
2004 – "Le stagioni del cuore", Canale 5, directed by Antonello Grimaldi
(Emma’s doctor).
2003-2008 – "Vivere", Canale 5/Retequattro, various directors (Aurelio Pepe).
2003 – "Cuori rubati", Raidue, various directors
(the patient).
2001-2014 – "Centovetrine",
Canale 5/Retequattro, various directors (Pierluca Pasquini).


2017-2025 – "A Christmas Carol" (by Charles Dickens), musical, directed by Melina Pellicano (Fezziwig - Supporting Role).

2016 – "Sogno di una notte… (A Midsummer Night's Dream)" (by W. Shakespeare), directed by Marina Bergesio (Shakespeare’s voice).
2016 – "Alla ricerca della felicità" (by Davide Motto),
directed by Davide Motto (Padela - Lead Role).
2012 – "Diversamente...altri" (by Luca G. Gabriele and Stefano Saccotelli), one-man-show, directed by Claudio Zanotto Contino.
2010 – "L'asina deve partorire ma..." (by Antonio Tarantino), directed by Claudio Zanotto Contino (the maid-servant - Supporting Role).
2009 – "L'uomo dal fiore in bocca" (by Luigi Pirandello), directed by Aldo Zampieri (the man - Lead Role).
2007 – "Solo con la libertà..." (by Pier Giuseppe Corrado), directed by Pier Giuseppe Corrado (Nicola Sacco - Lead Role).
2007 – "C’era una volta la rivolta" (by Dimitri Patrizi), directed by Dimitri Patrizi (Carnevario - Supporting Role).
2006 – "Il giardino dei ciliegi" (by Anton Chekhov), directed by
Claudio Zanotto Contino (Lophakin - Lead Role).
2006 – "La bisbetica domata (
The Taming of the Shrew)" (by W. Shakespeare), directed by F. Urban (Baptista - Supporting Role).
2006 – "Occhio folle occhio lucido" (by Pier Giuseppe Corrado), directed by Pier Giuseppe Corrado (Massimo - Lead Role).
2005 – "Maria Urtica, un’infanzia nel ’45" (by Maricla Boggio), directed by Elisabetta De Palo (Gino - Lead Role).
2005 – "Sul danno del tabacco" (by Anton Chekhov), monologue, directed by Aldo Zampieri.
2005 – "Attenti al lupo" (by Francesca Siragusa), musical, directed by Simona Salvetti (Bonconsiglio - Lead Role).
2004 – "Family Man" (by L.E. McCullough), monologue (
in English), directed by Roberto Freddi.
2004 – " Guai in fabbrica (
Trouble in the Works) " (by Harold Pinter), directed by Roberto Freddi (Fibbs - Lead Role).
2002 – "Osvaldo e Zenaide" (by Jean Tardieu), directed by Pietro Contadini (Osvaldo - Lead Role).
2002 – "Andar per castelli" (by Francesca Siragusa), directed by Francesca Siragusa (the minstrel - Lead Role).
2001 – "Una fabbrica di sogni - Varie…età" (by various authors), directed by Francesca Siragusa (
various roles - composer of original soundtrack).
1999 – "Cave Canem" (by Francesca Siragusa), directed by Francesca Siragusa (
Ugo De Lompnes - composer of original soundtrack).
1998 – "Non amo che le rose che non colsi", directed by Claudio Montagna (Guido Gozzano - Lead Role).
1997 – "I cantastorie" (by Francesca Siragusa), directed by Francesca Siragusa (Polaster - Lead Role).
1996 – "Il trionfo della medicina" (from the original "
Knock" by J. Romains), directed by Franco G. Ferrero.
1996 – "Na ramassa neuva" (by Vittoria Minetti), directed by Stefano Saccotelli (Gino - Lead Role).


2024 - "Milk Pancake", directed by Gregory Ohrel (the husband - Co-Protagonist).
2023 – "Adez" (voice-over), directed by Pierpaolo Moro (Lead Role).
2022 – "Banca Prealpi SanBiagio",
directed by Alvise Narduzzi (Co-Protagonist).
2022 – "Vaccino polmonite pneumococcica", directed by Danae Mauro (Lead Role).
2022 – "EssilorLuxottica", directed by Raffaele Alicino (Co-Protagonist -
in English).
2022 – "Emofilia",
directed by Daniele Zanzari (Co-Protagonist).
2022 – "Conad", directed by Enrico Mazzanti (Co-Protagonist).
2021 – "Chiesi Farmaceutici", directed by Domenico Onorato (Carlos - Lead Role -
in English).
2021 – "eBay", directed by Augusto Zapiola (Co-Protagonist).
2021 – "Mielo Spieghi", directed by Pierpaolo Moro (Lead Role).
2020 –
"CFT", directed by Giacomo Caselli (Co-Protagonist - in English).
2020 –
"CEI Food", directed by Ivan Bentivoglio (Lead Role).
2020 – "Mobilturi", directed by Paolo Doppieri (Co-Protagonist).
2020 – "Spot dipendenze Ausl Vd'A", directed by Alessandro Stevanon (Co-Protagonist).
2020 – "Benefit Socks", directed by Eleonora Carbone (Lead Role).

2019 – "Fragilità ossea", directed by Fabio Rao (Co-Protagonist).
2017 – "Swisse", directed by Rob Stanton-Cook (
2016 – "Fiat Panda Range", directed by Andrea Bertola (Co-Protagonist).

2016 – "Novi", directed by Dario Piana (Lead Role).

2016 – "Scappino", directed by Angelo Camba (Co-Protagonist).
2016 – "Iveco Stralis", directed by  Nicolò Bravetta (Co-Protagonist).

2016 – "Digestivo Antonetto" (radio commercial), directed by Enzo Parretta (Co-Protagonist).

2016 – "ConTe", directed by  Paolo Genovese (Co-Protagonist).
2016 – "Roche", directed by  Federico Badiali (Lead Role).

2014 – "Gaviscon Sleepless", directed by Federico Cambria (Lead Role).

2013 – "Sisal Matchpoint", directed by Nicola Buffoni (Co-Protagonist).
2005 – "Tele2", directed by Laura Castelli (Co-Protagonist).
2004 – "Siemens Gigaset", directed by Ian Williams (live,
in English - Lead Role).
2000 – "Movitrack", directed by Marco Torello (Lead Role).


2023 - "Tra moglie e marito" Best Horror Movie, MIAFF July 2023, Milan.
2021 - "L'incontro privato" Best Short Film, SFF, Sarno (Salerno).

2021 - Best Director for "Gabriella", Pompei Street Cinema Festival, Pompei (Naples).

2021 - "Hay Almas (Ci sono anime)", Best Drama/Original Screenplay/First Time Director, RIMA, Rome.
2020 - Special mention October 2020 for "Il tempo che insegna", Vesuvius International MFF, Naples.
2020 - Best Drama September 2020 for "Il tempo che insegna", Florence Film Awards.
2020 – Best Italian Film and Best Director August 2020 for "Il tempo che insegna", Reale Film Festival, Milan.
2020 – "Una nuova forte primavera" Winner Silver Virgin Spring Cinefest and Outstanding Achievement Award CICFF Kolkata, West Bengal.
2020 – "Una nuova forte primavera" Special Jury Award, Uravatti IFF.
2020 – Special mentions for "Una nuova forte primavera", Short Shot Fest Moscow and Calcutta International Cult FF.

2018 – Official Nominee Best Leading Actor for "Io e Ascanio", Ashorts International Film Festival, Ravenna.
2017 –  First place for the short film  "Io e Ascanio", Concorso Oncologia e Cinema Premio AIOM, Rome.
2017 – "Una nuova forte primavera" Premio La Memoria, Corto Fiction, Chianciano Terme (Siena).

2017 – "Scappino" Best One Minute Film, European Cinematography Awards.
2016 – Premio Patologico for "Kul Senter - il film",
Festival Internazionale Cinema Patologico, Rome.

2010 – Special mention for "Alla rovescia", Piemonte Movie, Turin.
2009 – "Resta" Best Foreign Language Drama, SF Women’s Film Festival, San Francisco.
2007 – First place for the short film "Moderazione", ABCorti Video, Ivrea (Turin).

2004 – First place for the short film "Niet no nein", Festival del Cortometraggio On-Line, Rome.

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